Hello! I'm Kimberlee Young.

Director of Operations

Biopharma Super Power

Tenacious, creative and innovative thinker building process-oriented operations.


Kimberlee Young

I have spent my entire career in the healthcare industry, where I specialized in physician start-ups and operational management spanning multiple specialties and ambulatory settings. I helped co-found Vault Bioventures in 2011 and am responsible for all aspects of overseeing the business, including finances, legal, marketing, and human resource management.

I am exceedingly proud of the company we have built. Being in businesses of various sizes over my career has provided me multiple opportunities to learn what works, and more importantly, what doesn’t work, to have a successful business.

Kimberlee Young Italy Family Travel

The Operational


I’ve learned too many lessons to count, but to me the most important one – that I will continue to carry with me — is that at the heart of any successful business is its people. We strive to hire and work with best – those with the highest talent and standards, both personally and professionally. It is my belief this is what truly sets successful companies apart.

Favorite Quote

“To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life's Passion

Love exploring, meeting people, trying new foods and learning about local customs. My home away from home is Italy.
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All Things Design

I love creating beauty, whether it’s in my garden or in our home.

Life's Passion

Love exploring, meeting people, trying new foods and learning about local customs. My home away from home is Italy.
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All Things Design

I love creating beauty, whether it’s in my garden or in our home.

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Cooking & Baking

I enjoy being creative in the kitchen and using healthy, organic, real ingredients to create the perfect meal.
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Cooking & Baking

I enjoy being creative in the kitchen and using healthy, organic, real ingredients to create the perfect meal.
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Final Thought

I like to think of myself as a warm person, open to new ideas and experiences. I am pragmatic and excel at getting things done, yet possess a strong artistic side, as well. I love finding beauty in life, whether it’s through art, music, architecture, or design. I find immense happiness in helping others and discovering ways to be involved in our community. When I’m most myself, I’m either cooking a fabulous meal, spending time with my family, gardening, traveling or enjoying a nice glass of vino over great conversation.

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Say hello to

Kimberlee Young

Meet the Rest of the

Vault Bioventures' Team

Joe Young

President, CEO

Tim Windom

Senior VP

Lee Sammartino

Chief Innovation Officer, DX Lead

Chris Vohnout

Chief Financial Officer

Abigail Young


Sherry Barnes

Executive Assistant to the CEO